Architecture is solidified music

Architecture is solidified music

Goethe once said that architecture is ‘frozen’ music. Maybe he did not mean that music takes on a different form, but mainly that architecture and music come from the same source, the same idea. In this instance architecture is not frozen at all. The warm fireplace in the bathroom is placed in such a way that one can also see it from the adjoining bedroom. The untreated wood in the kitchen evokes a most charming and lively atmosphere. This residential house in a small village in Belgium is characterized by the lights and colors that are in harmony with the materials used. Bart de Beule accomplished this project with great passion. Music played a very important role while discussing the ideas with the residents and while sketching. Goethe’s statement, in which he equated architecture to music, is thus very relevant to Bart de Beule. Architecture is music, in this case solidified in a stylish, warm realization.

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